A Home Guide To Holiday Villages & Your Electrical Set Up


November and December provide the ideal months for people to set up holiday villages in their homes. A holiday village typically consists of small houses, lights, and special effects to make the village come alive. 

When you want to set up a holiday village, you want to ensure you have enough outlets and electricity to properly run the village. Follow this quick guide to learn more about the process and ways to ensure your village runs smoothly through the whole holiday season.

Electrical Outlets

While you could use power strips or surge protectors to plug in each element of your holiday village, you want to ensure the individual outlets do not become overloaded with power. An outlet with too much power overload may not work properly and could cause circuit breakers to jump.

An electrician can help expand the outlet options in your home. They could turn a dual outlet into a four-outlet area with more individual outlets to plug into.

The wall outlets can include surge protection so the village houses and decor do not become damaged due to a power surge. You could also consider alternate outlet options like outlets with USB ports along with standard three-prong options.

Electrical Inspections

Before you set up your large Christmas village, you may want to contact an electrician for an inspection. A full inspection will test the power options in your home and ensure the village can run smoothly without causing an overload on the system.

For example, along with a holiday village, you may have a Christmas tree or exterior lights plugged into outlets. An electrician could update your circuit breaker and give you a limit on the items you need to plug in.

Battery-Operated Village Pieces

In some cases, you may need to opt for battery-operated village options. For example, a holiday village with a basic LED light can typically run on batteries and last throughout the whole holiday season.

When you go to pack the village away, ensure you take the batteries out to prevent erosion during the off-season. The battery-operated pieces will reduce the electrical load and allow you to plug in more of the bigger displays or village pieces with moving parts.

Once you have a dedicated area for your Christmas village, you can easily set up the design each year and not have to worry about any electrical issues. Contact a residential electrician to find out more information about your options and ways to make the process go smoothly.


11 November 2022

Electricians: Keeping Your Home Running Strong

Do your outlets feel warm when you touch them? Have you had to reset your circuits more often than you would like to admit? These problems might seem like a minor annoyance, but they can actually lead to bigger issues, like a house fire, if you ignore them. So who should you call? An electrician, of course! One of these pros will look over your home, find the problem, and make the necessary fixes so you can live in improved safety. You need an electrician's number on your fridge, and you also need to know the basics about the services these pros offer. We've collected tons of articles to help you reach these goals.